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Scotland Member Of The Scottish Parliament Public Sector Taxpayers Traffic Cone

## Scotland's Use of Taxpayers' Money to Fund Traffic Cones Raises Concerns >A recent report by the Scottish Parliament's Public Audit Committee has raised concerns about the use of taxpayers' money to fund traffic cones in Scotland. The report found that the Scottish Government has spent over £100 million on traffic cones in the past five years, with much of this money being wasted on unnecessary or poorly-maintained cones. >The report found that many traffic cones in Scotland are placed in locations where they are not needed, such as on quiet roads or in car parks. The report also found that many cones are not properly maintained and are often damaged or missing. This has led to concerns about safety, as damaged or missing cones can pose a hazard to road users. >The Public Audit Committee has called on the Scottish Government to take action to address the issue of wasted spending on traffic cones. The committee has recommended that the government develop a strategy to reduce the number of cones used, improve maintenance standards, and ensure that cones are only placed in locations where they are necessary. ## Concerns about Accountability and Transparency >The report by the Public Audit Committee has also raised concerns about accountability and transparency in the use of public funds. The committee found that the Scottish Government does not have a clear policy on the use of traffic cones and that there is a lack of oversight and scrutiny of this spending. >The committee has called on the Scottish Government to develop a clear policy on the use of traffic cones and to establish a system of oversight to ensure that public funds are used effectively and efficiently. ## Impact on Taxpayers >The Scottish Government's spending on traffic cones has a significant impact on taxpayers. The report by the Public Audit Committee found that the government has spent over £100 million on traffic cones in the past five years. This money could have been used to fund other essential public services, such as healthcare or education. >The Public Audit Committee has called on the Scottish Government to take action to reduce its spending on traffic cones and to ensure that taxpayers' money is used effectively and efficiently. ## Recommendations for the Scottish Government >The Public Audit Committee has made a number of recommendations to the Scottish Government to address the issue of wasted spending on traffic cones. These recommendations include: * Developing a strategy to reduce the number of cones used * Improving maintenance standards * Ensuring that cones are only placed in locations where they are necessary * Developing a clear policy on the use of traffic cones * Establishing a system of oversight to ensure that public funds are used effectively and efficiently >The Scottish Government has said that it will consider the recommendations of the Public Audit Committee and take action to address the issue of wasted spending on traffic cones.
